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Ready Made Conversational Phrases in American English - 1

Tackle Our Language Barrier! Let's Talk in English!

Act your age!
- Behave more maturely;
Johnny was squirming around and pinching his sister. his mother said, "Johnny, act your age!"

Adios! - Good Bye;
John: See you later, man.
Bob: Yeah, man. Adios!
Shirley: Adios, my friend.
Mary: See you, Shirley.

After while, crocodile - Good Bye till later; See you later (for the sake of rhyme. This is response to See you later, alligator)
Bob: See you later.
Bill: After while, crocodile.

Jane: After while.
Mary: Toodle-oo.

After you - Polite way of letting someone go ahead of oneself.
James: Ok. It's time to get in the food line, who's going to go first?.
Bill: After you.
James: Thanks.

Age before beauty - Comical, Teasing, Rude way of letting someone go ahead of oneself
As they approached the door, James let go Bob first and said to Bob "Age before beauty."

All in All ; On Balance - Summarization, generalization, announcement of conclusion
Fred: All in all, this was a fine evening
Alice: I think so, too.
Bill: How did it go?
Alice: On balance, it went quite well.

All righty already! (more comical) (Dated but still used) - impatient way of indicating agreement
All right already! (more rude)

Alice: Come on! Get over here!
Kathrine: All righty already! Don't rush me!

Anything new down your way? - has any interesting event happened where you live? (Rural and Familiar)
Bill: Anything new down your way?
Bob: Nothing worth talking about. / Nothing.

Anytime. -1- available to be called upon, visited, or invited at any time in the future 2- polite but casual way of "You're welcome"
Sally: We really enjoyed our visit. Hope to see you again.
Bill: Anytime
Mary: Thanks for driving me home
Bob: Anytime

Anytime you are ready
Mary: I think it's time to go
Bill: Anytime you are ready

Anyway; Anyhow
John: I just don't know what's going to happen
Mary: Things look very bleak (offering little hope)
John: Anyway, we'll all end up dead in the long run

Bob: Let's stop this silly argument
Fred: I agree. Anyhow, it's time to go home, so none of this argument really matters, does it?
Bob: Not a bit

(Are) things getting you down? - are things bothering you?
Jane: Gee, Mary, you look sad. Are things getting you down?
Mary: Yeah
Jane: Cheer up!
Mary: Sure.

Allow 'me (stress on me); Per'mit me (stress on mit)- polite way of announcing that one is going to assist someone, unasked.
Tom and Jane approached the door.
Tom: Allow me (grabbing the doorknob) (တံခါးဖြင့္ေပးတဲ့သူနဲ႔)
Fred: Permit me (pulling out a gold-plated lighter and lighting Jane's cigarette) (ေဆးလိပ္မီးညွိေပးတဲ့သူနဲ႔)

All the systems are go - Everything is ready or things are going along as planned
Bill: Can we leave now? Is the car gassed up and ready?
Tom: All the systems are go. Let's get going.

almost lost it
I was so mad, I almost lost it.
When he saw the dent in his fender, he almost lost it.

all the more reason for (doing something); all the more reason to (do something) with even better reason or cause for doing something.
Bill: I don't do well in calculus because I don't like the stuff.
Father: All the more reason for working harder at it.
Bob: I'm tired of painting this fence. It's so old it's rotting!
Sally: All the more reason to paint it.

Aloha - Hello (Hawaiian usage)
"Aloha, Welcome"

(Are you) going my way?
If you are traveling in the direction of my destination, could I please go with you or can I have a ride in your car?
Mary: Are you going my way?
Sally: Sure. Get in.

(Are you) leaving so soon?
Sue: We really must go
Sally: Leaving so soon?
Sue: Fred has to catch a plane at five in the morning.
Sally: Adios, Sue.

as alike as (two) peas in a pod
The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod.
Q: Are these two books different?
A: These two books are as alike as peas in a pod.

Bill: Put the film in the fridge.
Bob: Aw, that's stupid! It'll just get cold!
Fred: You hurt my feelings
Bob: Aw, I didn't mean it.
Mary: Get away from my door!
John: Aw, come on! Let me in!

Bag it!; Bag your face!
Mary: Sally, you look just terrible! What happened!
Sally: Bag it!

Mary: Sorry I asked!
Fred: Can I borrow your car / money from you again?
Mary: Bag your face, Fred!
Fred: Well, I never!


Omedeto gozaimasu (မဂၤလာအေပါင္းနဲ႔ ျပည္႕စုံပါေစ)

To be continued...


Fraganipani said…
ဒီလို အက်ဳိးရွိတဲ့ စာေလးေတြမွ်ေ၀တာ ေက်းဇူးပါ ထပ္တင္ပါဦး အားရင္အားသလို လာလာဖတ္ၿဖစ္ပါတယ္
libratun said…
This post was there for two weeks, i hear nothing.
So Glad to hear your voice. I'll definitely continue this post, make sure you get learned and use it. I am glad to know that you are also the one who wants to learn everything like me :)

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